The DRIS intercultural dialogue trainings, completed at the end of 2021, laid the foundations for the pilot projects in the three cities. Activities will intensify from this spring and until June 2022.
In Germany, the activities organised by ITZ take place in the Berlin neighbourhoods of Neukölln, Wedding and Kreuzberg. One project is developed in collaboration with Alrahallah-Theater e.V., a migrant association and wants to develop a performance about the personal experiences of the participants with racism and discrimination. It will be presented in a festival at the end of Ramadan. The second pilot activity is developed together with interkulturell aktiv e.V and Pro Kiez e.V., an association that organizes activities for the neighbourhood. The performance will reflect the conflicts between refugees and Europeans, and it will involve songs and discussion with the audience. The third performance prepared with BIF e. V., an educational institution for interculturality, is going to be based on improvisation on the theme of migratory birds.
In Spain the pilot project activities have been co-designed by Interarts and the participants in the intercultural dialogue training and will involve first and second-generation migrant women from the neighbourhood of La Florida (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), located in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Activities will be implemented in collaboration with Comuart, Arrticco, INCA, Al son de teatro, Teleduca, the cooperative AEMA, Sidecar Espai Jove and local and regional public institutions. Participants will be immersed in artistic co-creation processes that, led by artists and experts in interculturality, will enable them to narrate in first person their migratory experience through stories of peace and coexistence, and will foster interaction and constructive dialogue with their neighbourhood through different artistic languages (dance, digital storytelling, audiovisual and transmedia).
In Italy, activities are being implemented by ECCOM and will take place along the Tiber river, in the Esquilino neighbourhood and with the Reggio Emilia Civic Museums. Essere Fiume, a project led by nontantoprecisi and the artist Alice Padovani, will generate a space for dialogue along the Tiber through itinerant and inclusive workshops with the community. The Mikado project will work on inclusive cartographies and tours of the Roman quarter through art in public space, theatre and photography. Mikado is a project of MAd'O - Museo dell'Atto di Ospitalità and Stalker/NoWorking, #womancrossing, AMM - Archivio delle memorie migranti, in collaboration with SPIN TIME LABS and Associazione Genitori Scuola "Di Donato". Finally, Di cosa hai paura will facilitate the creation of a multicultural group for the co-planning of the museum offer of the Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia, creating initiatives and artistic products that convey messages of cohesion, favour mutual exchange and overcome stereotypes.